Chinese Food ☆ 中华餐
【旅游】 北马旅游趣 ~ Kuala Sepetang & Taiping
一路北上从 Teluk Intan, Kampung Koh, Lumut, 一直到怡保~ 可是我们北上的旅程还没结束呢~ 接下来我们还去了哪里? 继续看下去吧~
【美食】 Lorong Seratus Tahun @ Old Kelang Road
大家好!!! 我得赶快趁着我的学业和学会的东西还没开始忙碌之前,先为大家送上另外一篇美食文章~~~ Hello, everyone!!! How are you??? Is everything fine??? I need to rush this post before my busy college life starts~~~ **it is really scary when I think about the busy life ><**
【美食】椰花园海鲜餐馆 Coconut Flower Restaurant @ Teluk Gong

哎哟~~~ 每次到了晚餐时间就非常非常的头痛,不知道要吃什么~~~ 要找一间又好吃又便宜的餐馆,有时候真的很难~~~ 不知道你们是不是和我有同样的感受呢??? Aiyo~~~ Every time when we want to have dinner outside, we feel headache, don’t know what to eat~~~ Want to find a restaurant which the food is delicious and the price is reasonable, sometimes it is very difficult~~~ Do you have the same feeling like me???
【美食】可可树饭店 Restoran Koko Tree @ Segamat

已经快要一年没有回昔加末探望我的公公婆婆了。。。最近一次回去(如果我没记错的话) 应该是今年新年吧~~~ 乘有空档的时间赶快回去探望他们老人家~~~ 在回吉隆坡之前, 我们的晚餐在昔加末的一家餐厅解决了~~~ 那是我从来都没有去过的~~~ 第一次的印象是还蛮好的。。。 I have not visit my grandpa & grandma in Segamat for almost a year~~~ The last time I went back was during this year Chinese New Year ( if I not mistaken :P) This weekend we grabbed the opportunity that everyone is free to visit them~~~ Before we … [Read more…]
【美食】Auntie Lora Penang Prawn Mee
难得有那么清闲的星期日早上,不用赶又可以全家人聚在一起吃早餐~~~ 好好的享受~~~ 所以,我们决定到一家位于Leisure Mall附近的槟城虾面店去吃早餐,解一解我们的馋~~~ 一去到店家门口,满满的人潮~~~ 好不容易才在店里面找到一个够我们坐的座位~~~