最近在面子书上看到了这家位于 Setapak 的 Sweet Forest Cafe 的新开张, 那些食物的照片看起来好像还不错似的, 而且那个价钱也在我们能接受的范围内, 就和我的朋友们商量几时来这里试下~
在终于忙完所有的 assignments 之后, 我们决定来这里解决我们的午餐, 也顺便慰劳下自己~
毕竟那些 assignments 把我们的脑力都快要吸干了~ 这家店的所在位置其实不会很难找, 难的是要找停车位~
这家店的位置是位于 Genting Klang KFC 后面一排店的最角落的那一间~
只要沿 KFC 后面的那一排店走, 就可以看到了~ 不过那里的停车位是非常有限的, 需要多点耐心去找哦~
我还蛮喜欢他们家的摆设, 简单大方, 却又不失美感~
再看看他们家的 menu, 琳琅满目的食物让你不知从何下手~
看到他们家的 menu 上面有着各式各样的西餐, 我已经不知道要选哪个了~
他们的扒类很吸引我, 可是看了隔壁桌的食物, 我觉得他们家的食物分量都很大~
如果我来这里吃他们家的扒的话, 我应该吃不完~
无奈之下, 我只好点了他们家的午餐套餐~ 他们的午餐套餐也有不少的选择哦~
而且价钱还在我能接受的范围内哦~ 一个套餐有 1个饭 + 1个饮料 + 1个雪糕~
这样一个套餐总共是 RM8.90~ 我们当天总共点了3个套餐哦~
☆ Marmite Chicken Set Lunch 妈蜜鸡丁饭 午餐套餐 ( RM8.90 ) ☆
这个套餐是我朋友的~ 我没有吃到,所以我不知道这个的味道如何~
☆ Creamy Salted Eggs Chicken Set Lunch 咸蛋奶油鸡丁饭 午餐套餐 ( RM8.90 ) ☆
☆ Buttermilks Chicken Rice Set Lunch 香奶鸡丁饭 午餐套餐 ( RM8.90 ) ☆
这个是我当天的午餐, 它有浓浓的奶油味, 配上白饭简直就是赞, 让人忍不住一口接一口~
还有一点, 我想在这里特别提一下, 那就是你们有注意到那个蛋的形状吗?
这个就是套餐的雪糕, 有三种口味可以选: 香草 (Vanilla), 芋头 (Yam), 巧克力 (Chocolate)
这个就是套餐里面的饮料, 有两种选择: 茉莉花茶 (Jasmine Tea), 果汁 (Fruit Juices)。
2016 年, 我再次和朋友来光顾他们~ 这次我们点了他们的鸡扒~ 分别是黑胡椒和夏威夷鸡扒~
Intern 后, 我和朋友再次回来这家餐厅~ 我们已经慢慢变成他们家的忠实粉丝了~
这一次来的时候看到他们家的 Menu 里面多了几样新的美食, 其中就有我的最爱: 虾咕 (濑尿虾) ~
☆ 咸蛋虾咕饭 ( RM8.50 ) ☆
虾咕 (我的最爱) + 咸蛋 (他们的招牌) , 这样的组合, 还没上桌就已经赢走我的心了~
不过, 他们的咸蛋果然不是盖的~ 香味十足, 又不会太油腻~ 赞!!!
☆ 香奶虾咕饭 ( RM8.50 ) ☆
和咸蛋比起来, 我还是比较喜欢咸蛋呢~
不是因为他的香奶不好吃, 只是因为他的咸蛋太好吃了啦~
☆ Hot Cappuccino ( RM5.00 ) ☆
☆ Hot Mocha ( RM5.00 ) ☆
我超喜欢他们的 Mocha~ 味道很浓, 好好喝哦~
♥ Sweet Forest Cafe @ Setapak ♥
FB: https://www.facebook.com/Sweet-Forest-Cafe-1630767177173603/
Address: 21, Jalan Bunga Kantan, Taman P. Ramlee, 53000 Setapak, K.L.
HP No: 016-6262177
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Setapak is too far for me. But will give it a try when i am there. 😀
Looks like affordable meal.
Will try it out if I am around that area.
Darn good deal for the set lunch. RM8.90 is rare to come by in KL especially for cafes coz even sets in food courts are already around that price.
love the cafe name. The food selection also look good.
Hmmm… this is quite close to my home… I can go and check it out…..
uttermilks Chicken Rice Set Lunch looks yummy!!
Setapak sure has many food places especially to cater the college students there! Food prices are really affordable too
Im aware that setapak has a lot of places to dine at. i want to try the salted egg chicken! 😀
The price is quite ok for lunch.Cheaper and reasonable.
Setapak is so far for me. Looks like a nice place for families
没带我去~~ T_T
感觉上是吃中式食物, 西式环境哦~~
Wow the set lunch is so reasonable price with main, drink and dessert. I like the Marmite Chicken Set Lunch.
Marmite Chicken looks delicious
This place seems comfy and warm, the Salted Eggs Chicken Set looks really appetizing, would like to try that out 🙂
looks like another nice and homey cafe with nice food.
My BF always told me Setapak has nice food and cheap as that area cater for students. I think i need to explore setapak to find good food.
Nice food at good price. If you are looking for coupons and discounts check foodpanda at CouponBelanja
These dishes look wholesome and inexpensive. Would love to try them out.
another new spot for me to explore when i’m back in wangsa maju area. thanks for sharing!
Food quite nice but service damn bad.