想要和大自然亲近接触? 我第一个想到的地方就是士毛月 ( Semenyih ) , 那里有很多森林公园, 也有很多瀑布呢~ 我一直都很想来这里, 终于这个机会来了~ 这次我们去到位于 Semenyih 的 Sungai Tekala Waterfall ~
近年来, Sungai Tekala Waterfall已经成为了一个适合全家大小一起来野餐和露营的地方~ 下午时分和周末时分都是人潮很多的时间~ 虽然人是蛮多的, 不过这里的瀑布都很大很高, 很多地方可以让你选择~ 这里也有提供一些基本的设施, 例如小亭子, 长凳, 公共厕所等等~
在一个星期日的下午, 吃了午餐之后, 我们就直接从吉隆坡驾车到 Semenyih 的 Sungai Tekala Waterfall ~ 来到这里, 第一个映入眼眶的不是那个瀑布, 而是位于那个瀑布入口处对面的露营基地~ 这个露营基地让我有点意外, 我一直以为这种露营通常都是在离瀑布不远的地方, 甚至有些就在瀑布的旁边而已~ 这个露营竟然是在入口处的对面!
这里的步道是蛮好走的, 就算是老人家也能走 (当然是慢慢走, 也不能去到太高的地方~ ) ~ 这里的瀑布有很好的地形, 这里的瀑布有很多层~ 最底层的是比较大, 这里的水也不会太深, 所以很多小孩子都在这里玩 / 游泳~
因为要顾及我外婆, 所以我们这次只是去到中低层的瀑布~ 这次没能去到最高, 是有那么一点点遗憾的, 不过也因为这个遗憾让我有一个借口再次来到这里~
这里的瀑布虽然有点小, 不过好在整个瀑布只有我们这一家, 想怎样玩就怎样玩咯~
在瀑布玩完了之后, 我们就紧接着出发到 Semenyih 水坝和鱼乐谷享用晚餐~ 这些会在下一篇部落格和你们分享哦~
❤ Sungai Tekala Waterfall ❤
¤ Address: Hutan Rekreasi Sungai Tekala, Jalan Sungai Lalang, Semenyih, Selangor.
¤ GPS Coordinate: N03 03.62′ E101 52.13′
¤ Operation Hours: 7.00 A.M. – 7.00 P.M.
¤ Entrance Fee: RM1.00 ( Adult ) | RM0.50 ( Child )
¤ Tel : 603 – 9075 2885
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I am not a big fan of outdoor adventures but at RM1 entrance fee, I am totally game to try this. I need someone to take me there.
looks like a wonderful place to visit. Thanks so much for sharing.
if you are a big fan to visit sungai, come o to sungai congkak its really near with my house. hehehe
Never been to Semenyih before. Looks like a great place for my Little Angels to explore.
I miss going waterfall. We always go when we were young. But never go for years now
wow such an amazing place to relax and escape from the cities! and for just rm1???? it is really cheap!
gosh, this is a very nice waterfall.. I think this a truly a gem of a place… I will check it out sometime
didn’t know there is a waterfall at semenyih. now i can plan a day trip – morning hike at broga, head to this waterfall after that. weehee~~
Never been to Semenyih before. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun =)
Love the waterfall outlook. Would love to come here.
Seripusly one day I must plan a trip to semenyih, so many thing to do and eat there.
Waterfall represents life. I really love to watch them.
Its been a while since I visit Waterfall! Love water and the forest view to enjoy =D
Been to Broga Hill only if you ask me about Semenyih. hahh.. Next time will check this waterfall out.
Such a beautiful outdoor activity to enjoy at waterfall. Outdoor activities and nature are best to enjoy making it a perfect day.
went there really many years ago, good to see it’s still nice and clean
Looks like an amazing place to go! Thanks for sharing!
This place is so near to my home but I never knew such place exist until I saw your post. Lol, haha. Will be going here this weekend. Looks like a good spot for photography.
I wanna go this place, one day.. Plan plan see..
awesome place to visit.. will do just that soon!
This looks absolutely beautiful! Hiking is so much fun. This reminds me of the places we have around here