【美食】Restoran Murni @ Bukit Jalil (一访)
终于挤出时间来更新我的部落格了~~~ 这个学期只有短短的7个星期,所以所有的东西都在赶。。。 功课、Assignment、活动、开会,统统都在赶。。。 我只好选择暂时把部落格搁在一旁。。。 所以,我这个时期的部落格文章应该都是非常非常的短,而且更新速度应该也是非常非常的慢。。。希望大家可以原谅我一下吧~~~ Finally I found some time to update my blog~~~ This semester is a short semester, that’s mean everything is RUSH!!! Argh!!! Tutorial, presentation, assignment, meeting, activity…… all those is rushing~~~ No choice but I have to sacrifice my blog and do all those things first~~~ And because all those stuff, … [Read more…]
{美食 + 穿搭} — Daimon Yokocho @ Alam Damai + OOTD for gathering
终于!!! 我们终于都有时间出来见面了~~~ 虽然不是全部都到齐, 但至少我们都出来见面了。。。这是一个非常难得的机会。。。 上了大学, 每个人都为了自己的梦想各奔东西的时候, 要像以前那样常见面是非常难的事了。。。 Finally!!! We managed to have a gathering to meet up~~~ Although not everyone present, but at least we hang out finally!!! After we graduated from the secondary school, we have our own college life and busy with that…. so, we hard to arrange our time for gathering… I … [Read more…]
【美食】椰花园海鲜餐馆 Coconut Flower Restaurant @ Teluk Gong

哎哟~~~ 每次到了晚餐时间就非常非常的头痛,不知道要吃什么~~~ 要找一间又好吃又便宜的餐馆,有时候真的很难~~~ 不知道你们是不是和我有同样的感受呢??? Aiyo~~~ Every time when we want to have dinner outside, we feel headache, don’t know what to eat~~~ Want to find a restaurant which the food is delicious and the price is reasonable, sometimes it is very difficult~~~ Do you have the same feeling like me???
【美食】 道 T•A•O• @ Penang Times Square
嗨,大家好!!!你们的年初一过得怎样啊??? 我呢,基本上是还好, 过的蛮顺利,只是到了晚餐时间要决定吃什么的时候就有点头痛啦~~~ 看了好多部落客的推荐, 怎知道好多都没开, 就算有开也不一定有位~~~ 经过我们的投票, 最后由日本自助餐餐厅 — 道 胜出~~~ Hi 🙂 how are you??? How was your first day of Chinese New Year??? Basically my first day of Chinese New Year just like normal~~~ only until when we need to decide what is our dinner…. I looked for many suggestions from the bloggers, … [Read more…]
{活动分享} —— 新春慈善活动+生日惊喜 Performance+Birthday Surprise
今天七早八早的就自己驾车出发到学校, 然后再等我们的导师带我们去吃早餐+表演~~~等了将近一个小时, 我们的老师才缓缓的到来。。。一上车, 他就和我道歉, 我当场整个傻掉, 干吗突然间和我道歉啊??? 原来是因为”不小心”忘记我的生日 (18/1)~~~ 可是现在回想起来觉得内有乾坤~~~Today early morning, I drove to hostel college and waited for my tutor+senior to bring us for breakfast and the show~~~Waited for around one hour, our tutor only came to the hostel to fetch us… once we are settled inside the car, he just apologized to me, … [Read more…]