【美食】 道 T•A•O• @ Penang Times Square
嗨,大家好!!!你们的年初一过得怎样啊??? 我呢,基本上是还好, 过的蛮顺利,只是到了晚餐时间要决定吃什么的时候就有点头痛啦~~~ 看了好多部落客的推荐, 怎知道好多都没开, 就算有开也不一定有位~~~ 经过我们的投票, 最后由日本自助餐餐厅 — 道 胜出~~~ Hi 🙂 how are you??? How was your first day of Chinese New Year??? Basically my first day of Chinese New Year just like normal~~~ only until when we need to decide what is our dinner…. I looked for many suggestions from the bloggers, … [Read more…]