早前因为想去 Agrotourism 的展览,所以我们来到了位于 Serdang 的 Malaysia Agro Exhibition Park Serdang (MAEPS)~ 这是我第一次知道有这样的地方呢~ 在这里混了一整个下午我才发现为什么我从来都不知道有这样的一个地方, 有点后悔这么迟知道有这个地方的存在~
Agrotourism Exhibition 2015
这一个展览是由政府举办的, 主要是要宣传马来西亚的旅游, 尤其是eco方面的, 但是我觉得政府在宣传方面有点做得不足~ 前来参观这个展览的人数和我之前去的那些展览少之又少, 而前来参观的华人用十个手指头就可以数完了~ 里面的参展单位有些就布置得非常用心, 有些就连那些负责人都不在场~
这个展览还有展出一些大马传统的游戏和一些传统手工制作品~ 那里不只有售卖这些传统的手工制作品, 还能让你亲自尝试制作属于你自己的手工制作品呢~
Malaysia Agro Exhibition Park Serdang (MAEPS)
参观完了那个展览之后, 我们发现这里有很多地方还可以让我们参观的~ 当天主办当局也为我们准备了车子载我们到处去参观, 一个人只需付RM3.00就可以享受这个服务了~ 我们当天决定自己驾车到处去闯, 这样比较多自由, 也可以自己掌握时间~ 和主办当局拿了地图, 我们就直接开始我们在 MAEPS的探险之旅~ MAEPS里面有很多地方可以让我们去参观的, 例如小型动物园, 菜园, 黄梨园等等~ 托这个展览的福, 当天共有4个园对外开放, 其中包括菜园, 草药园, 黄梨园和稻米园~ 我们还可以在黄梨园试吃免费的黄梨, 在稻米园可以试吃竹筒饭呢~
第一站我们来到了草药园和菜园~ 这两个园子都是在两隔壁~ 这里一大部分的植物都没有受到很好的照顾, 很多都已经生病了, 只有一小部分还在茁壮成长~ 在菜园那里, 我们可以看到最新的种菜技术~ 也可以看到很多稀奇的植物呢~ 在这两个园里面还有一个小型的蜜蜂园, 那里还有一位uncle和我们讲解这里蜜蜂的品种和它们产生的蜜糖~ 这里的蜜蜂是不会叮人的, 所以来到这里不用担心那些蜜蜂啦~ 我也试喝了他们的蜜糖, 苦苦的带一点很剌的味道~
离开了菜园和草药园, 我们跟着地图来到了黄梨园, 还未进门, 就嗅到一阵阵的黄梨香味~ 肚子不自不觉就饿了~ 参观了那些资料和展览品后, 那里的负责人邀请我们去试吃黄梨和其他黄梨食品~ 不管是新鲜刚切好的黄梨, 还是黄梨干, 黄梨水, 黄梨饼, 都很好吃, 让我们不自不觉就站在柜台旁不停地吃~ 由于我们是整个活动第一批来到这里的人 (由此可见他们的宣传真的是得再加强), 那里的人都很热情地欢迎我们, 也一直不断地让我们吃~
在这里要特别推荐他们的黄梨饼, 我本身是不喜欢吃黄梨饼的, 因为我觉得那个味道怪怪的。但是这家的黄梨饼很香, 不会很甜, 还可以品尝到黄梨的味道呢~ 用料也很实在呢, 他们的黄梨是用砂捞越黄梨呢~ 因为老板只是刚刚起步, 所以他们的黄梨饼在市面上还很少见~
离开了黄梨园, 我们来到了稻田区~ 这里的负责人不知跑哪儿去了, 没看到他的人影~ 我们只好自己逛~ 这里逛逛, 那里看看~ 看完了, 我们试吃他们的竹筒饭 (Lemang), 蛮好吃的, 尤其是他们的sambal!
总的来说, 这个是一个不错的地方, 可以带小孩子来个亲子一日游又可以学习更多的知识~ 这样好的地方因为没有适当的宣传, 也没有好好的执行, 而不能让更多人认识和知道这个地方~ 这样有点可惜了呢~
我不知道平时这些园子有对外开放没有, 如果你们想知道更多详情, 请去到他们的官方网站: http://www.maeps.com.my/!
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This looks a lot of fun.. it is sometimes lots of fun learning more about agriculture produce
looks like nice place to visit. Children can learning something from there too, time to go outdoor with the kids.
Interesting exhibition. Never been to this kind of exhibition before. =)
I never been to this kind of exhibition, it seems fun!
Maybe i should pay a visit if there’s any in future
nice place to bring kids around. shouldn’t let them face the electronic stuffs all day. hehe
It’s an interesting exhibition.
Nice place to hang out without electronics.
Flowers were so beautiful. Great place for children to learn more about farming.
its so near to my place yet i have not visited it before! looks like a lot of good stuff for sightseeing there
Yes.. shd pay a visit.
Ah, my friend is a die-heart fan of MAEPS and would visit every year. I would like to check it out one day too.
omg,…am so updated…i live very near serdang, but i dont know about this exhibition park @_@ so memalukan 😛
cheers, siennylovesdrawing
Looks like a nice place to learn about nature and spend time with the family. First time hearing of this exhibition though hehe.
那些手工制品是其中一个参展商的商品~ 平时在MAEPS是找不到得哦~
This is interesting! If it is not too far from my place, i would love to check it out!
I used to visit every park in KL & Selangor when I my hobby was photography. Now I prefer to stand in front of the camera, I don’t go out to parks so much anymore. But I have not heard of this park.. interesting..
It is nice park to visit.
But i am not sure it is open for public?
first time visiting your blog and loves your write up. good work
i’ve been to MAEPS before, but for other events.. nice to see more interests in agriculture.
Nice place to visit.
But the event doesn’t atract much customer.
Seems like really a fun place to visit and have fun! Can try eat the fruits some more, I bet it taste really good and fresh too ><
The pineapple is good and it is hardly can find in market yet.
I have not been there before maybe I will dropby when they have the next events.
I can’t read Chinese but the photos tell me that this is one fun agricultural outing!
It is really fun. Free fruit to eat.
Didn’t know about this place until I read your post, will bookmark this for my travel reference 🙂
Looks funny!!! interesting event!!
I am staying in UPM, which is nearby to this place. A place that is definitely worth the explore for those who are in love with plants and agriculture. 😀
How to visit Upm at normal day ?
We never aware about the agriculture products.. But they did a very good job to make the exhibition to promote and sharing information to every family. This event is not boring! 😀