我们对于 Segambut 这一带不是很熟, 来到这里不知有什么美食好吃~ 这时候就是 Google 大兄登场的时候啦~ 我们找到了这家位于 Jalan Segambut Tengah 角落间的 Hoi Kee Coffee Shop ~
网友推荐这里的 Mee Jawa 是不能错过的美食之一, 照片看起来也是蛮不错的~
在这里除了 Mee Jawa 之外, 这里的档口也有卖 Nasi Lemak, 西餐, 板面等等~
只可惜我们没有那么多胃, 品尝不完那里的美食~
可是那里的 Nasi Lemak 和西餐看起来好好吃的样子噢~
当天我们除了叫了板面和网友首推的 Mee Jawa 之外, 我们还叫了一碗我的最爱 — 虾面~
☆ 板面 Pan Mee ☆
虽然老板只卖一种板面, 可是我们还可以看到大多数的桌子上都有着这一碗板面~
这个板面很好吃, 它的汤也很入味, 江鱼仔的味道很重~
最重要的是它里面的菜是我最喜欢的菜, 而且煮得也不会太烂~
总的来说, 这个板面赞啦~
☆ 爪哇面 Mee Jawa ☆
我还以为这个爪哇面的味道会和槟城的相似, 可是当我尝了一口后才发现, 它的味道有点像马来人的 Mee Jawa~
☆ 虾面 Prawn Mee ☆
我对这个虾面有点小失望, 虽然它的用料和槟城的差不多一样, 可是那个汤汁就有点逊色了~
除了辣味以外, 我吃不到任何的味道~
♥ Hoi Kee Coffee Shop ♥
Address: No. 2, Jalan Segambut Tengah, Segambut, 51200 Kuala Lumpur
Opening hours: 6am till noon daily, closed on Sundays
GPS: 3.18564, 101.67633
☆ 欢迎 {LIKE} & {SHARE} ☆
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i heard that their mee jawa is very famous! 😀 looks like a good place for breakfast
Lets try next times.
the foods look delicious 🙂
It is delicious. Worst a try.
Segambut is a bit far for me.. But I love these dishes!
prawn mee looks awesome. very hard to find good prawn mee nowadays
The food looks good! Thanks for sharing
爪哇面 Mee Jawa 会不会太湖?
that prawn mee certainly look tempting. nice place
I don’t believe that I have visited Segambut before. Will definitely plan a trip there soon!
Mee Jawa looks delicious.
Thanks for the review.
The pan mee looks like not bad, if I order I would ask the aunty/uncle make it more flaky.. 😀
Oh gosh I love Pan Mee and Prawn Mee loads….. those look super yummy
my favorite food is pan mee!!! The pan mee look so nice!!!
That Javanese Mee Jawa. Nyummz! And others too. hee. How much the prize?
I also like to eat mee jawa! It is delicious. Many ppl look for this coffee shop in KL , and their price are good 🙂
A bit far for me ya. But the Pan Mee looks nice though, long time didn’t eat Da Pai Dang de Pan mee!
This really attract me especially the pan mee..But the location too far for me. i wish they open in PJ.
I think the Mee Jawa wins, nice place to have lunch.
Mee Jawa, my favorite! Too bad the place is a bit far from my house >.<
yum, everyday eat good food. :D..
Mee Jawa looks delicious~ Nom Nom =D
Now I know where to eat at Segambut. Next time bring me there please hahaha ;p
i miss mee jawa so much, used to eat this in high school
The food look delicious.Enjoy your food 🙂
That food looks yummy! It’s my favourite part while traveling. Happy travels 🙂