提到 Ayer Panas Setapak 的美食, 我相信很多人都会想到那个在Pasar Ayer Panas对面的罗面档口吧~ 可是今天我想和大家分享的不是这一档, 虽然我在Setapak混了快要两年了, 可是我却从来都没有去吃过~ 本来星期六的时候是想去光顾一下的, 可是去到那里根本就找不到停车位, 最后我们只好打退堂鼓啦~ 我们找到了同样有卖罗面 (Loh Mee)的路边档, 它就位于在 Jalan Ayer Jernih 的路旁 (还没到Pasar) , 很靠近从大路转近来Jalan Ayer Jernih的路口。它的具体位置我不是很清楚 (如果你们知道的话, 可以在下面留言给我知道吗?), 如果要找到这个档口的话, 从大路一转进来就要注意你的左手边了~
当我第一眼看到他们家的菜单的时候, 我有那么一点点兴奋, 我第一次在吉隆坡看到只有在槟城才找得到的 Loh Cham Teng (福建话), 也就是槟城虾面加上一些卤汁, 二话不说, 我马上和老板要了一碗。只可惜, 我来迟了, 老板说已经卖完了 T.T 不管了, 我下次还要再来, 我一定要吃到啦~
我最爱的虾面没有了, 只好叫其他的面吧~ 不过, 我们当天叫的面都没有让我们失望哦~ 我还蛮惊喜的, 这样小小的路边档口竟然隐藏了这么好吃的美食! 话不多说, 来和你们分享我们当天吃的美食吧~
干捞伊面 (RM5.00)
一端上来的时候, 它的外貌看起来很平凡, 很普通, 我心里就想说, 这一盘伊面的味道应该也是普普通通, 不会很好吃吧~ 但是, 才吃第一口我就喜欢上它了, 那个酱汁很浓郁, 可是又不会太咸。和我平常吃得干捞面有点不一样, 那个叉烧也是不太一样, 叉烧咬下去很扎实, 不会太硬~ 原来, 不只是人不可貌向, 连食物都不行啊!
2。咖喱面 Curry Mee (RM4.80)
这个和之前那个不一样, 这个咖喱面一段上来让我们每个人都直呼好像很好吃那样, 让人胃口大开呢~ 我也迫不及待地喝了一口汤, 我顿时后悔了。这个咖喱不是普通的辣, 以我的辣度 (不到小学程度><) , 我接受不到啦~ 所以, 一口汤下去之后, 我再也没有碰过它了。不过我妹是说这个还蛮好吃的~
3。卤汁炸面线 (RM5.50)
这个炸面线一端上来的时候, 我们都瞪大了眼睛, 未免也太大碗了啦, 我妈还说它有点像我们在西餐厅吃Pasta一样~ 我也二话不说马上喝了一口卤汁, 甜甜的滋味让人忍不住一口接一口。淋上些许的醋之后, 味道整个都提升了, 不过记得把醋淋上去后要搅拌均匀哦~ 那个面脆脆的再加上卤汁, 很好吃。因为太好吃了, 所以我们都在不知不觉中把这个炸面线吃得一干二净, 就连那个泸汁也被我们吃的一滴都不剩~ 我推荐你们一定要尝试这个, 如果你们很喜欢卤汁的话~
除了他们家的食物之外, 我还想向你们推荐他们家的豆浆水。他们家的豆浆真的是自己煮的! 为什么我那么肯定? 当然除了老板亲自证实之外, 我的味蕾也和我说他们家的豆浆真的是自己煮的, 因为在他们家的豆浆我喝到了微微的豆浆专属的青草味。我们家曾经也自己煮过豆浆, 那个味道简直就是一模一样啊~
除了食物以外, 我喜欢这个档口的原因就是他们的价钱啦~ 他们家的价钱还蛮公道的, 至少对像我这样的学生还不是一个很大的负担~
这个档口是早上营业的, 营业时间是从7.30a.m.到330p.m.~ 虽然他们是写着营业到下午3.30, 可是我去的时候不到一点, 他们就已经卖完了, 准备收档了~ 所以, 如果想来这里吃的话, 尽量早来吧, 免得和我一样想吃的都卖完了~
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Thanks for sharing! Always liked going around checking out what’s yummy 🙂
still got people sell this price ar? I tot no more edi. nowadays go out eat bring RM10 oso not enough.
Ya… nowadays very hard to find to find cheap food…
Its not easy to find such cheap food nowadays! The noodles look so yummy and huge in portiom somemore
Curry mee looks good. Difficult to get food at these prices in city area 🙁
wow so many food, ya lo now food so expensive !
Yummy food with really cheap price! Nowadays, need to find cheap food with the rising living cost T_T
wow look the prices of food still available. prices near my place are beyond that we need to pay more for the food now. 🙁
It is no wonder I keep putting on weight, Malaysia has so much yummy food everywhere!
These dishes look ordinary but sometimes, this is exactly why street fare tastes better! I love the curry!
Wow.. all the noodles look so nice and yummy! Thanks for sharing ya. Will share it to my friends.:D
卤汁炸面线 looks good. can’t believe that it is only rm5.50! :O so cheap!
Saw the 干捞伊面 and looks nice! **hungry hungry**
yeahhh I also stay nearby setapak! Thanks for the intro ler, will visit there when I am free =D
nice sharing.. the curry mee does look good. Yum
Thanks for sharing. I have not been to Setapak since my friend has moved to Singapore.
Price looks reasonable and the curry noodles looks tempting with lots of “liew”
Never judge a book by its cover people say. I guess that apply to foods serving also. They might look so ordinary but have such a rich taste. 😀
Cheap affordable food !!! Yaaayy… How nice!!!
Wow, their dry yee min look so delicious! Next time must catch up all of them when I visit my bro at Setapak 😀
Sometimes i think cheap meals are the best! Another spot for people who are on a budget 😉
Still can get reasonable price for food at Setapak. The food look yummy.
That’s quite some nice hawker dishes available there
I have not ate there before, the curry me looks delicious to me. If there is chance I would like to try.
cheap for nice food. thanks for sharing.
That Curry Mee looks really appetizing, would like to try that out 🙂
卤汁炸面线 look great. wanna go try one day.
the food look so nice….and cheap as well!!