还是你觉得那种事情是天方夜谭, 永远都不会发生的呢???
如果我现在告诉你, 这世上有一种武器可以在10秒内把你所珍惜的一切统统摧毁得不留一点痕迹, 你相信吗???
看到这个数字, 你有什么感受呢???
我, 只想把它们一一摧毁!!!
就算你离那个被击中的地方多远, 你还是难逃一死!!!
由此可见, 核武器的威力是多么强大的!!!
至于它的威力强大到哪里, 我不知道~~~
我只知道它的威力比原子弹, 地雷, 化学武器, 集束炸弹还要强大!!!
既然那些原子弹, 地雷, 化学武器, 集束炸弹已经被联合国全面禁止了, 为什么威力最强大的核武器还没被联合国禁止呢???
一直以来, 原子弹, 地雷, 化学武器, 集束炸弹都是因为人民努力和团结地去争取将它们禁止的~~~
而现在, 也有一群人正在为世界和平, 为争取禁止核武器而努力着~~~
如果你原意成为那一份子, 有几样东西是可以让你去参与并为世界和平出一份力~~~
1。Peace Survey 和平问卷
把问卷填了&分享给你身边的朋友, 只需你几分钟的时间而已, 何乐而不为呢???
你们可以来这个网站填写和平问卷: http://www.sgm.org.my/eyt_survey/
2。《你所珍惜的一切》《Everything you Treasure》
这是一个由国际创价学会 (SGI) &国际废除核武器运动 (ICAN) 共同策划制作的展览~~~
日期: 8/8/2015 – 27/9/2015
时间: 9.30am – 5.30pm
地点: Wisma Kebudayaan SGM, Jalan Bukit Bintang, K.L.
免费入场 FREE Admission
网站: http://sgm.org.my/eyt/
Facebook: https://facebook.com/eytSGM
*展出的资料都有英文, 华语&马来文~~~
*备有导览员哦~~~ **不怕看不懂那些资料^^**
3。Run For Peace 2015
这不是一个比赛性质的跑步, 而是为了唤醒人民对和平的热忱和醒觉~~~
详情如下 (吉隆坡的):
日期: 20/9/2015 (星期日)
时间: 5.30am – 6.30am
地点: Stadium MBPJ, Kelana Jaya
费用: RM22/person
上网报名参加: http://rfp.sgm.org.my/rfp/
Facebook: https://facebook.com/RunForPeaceSGM
好可怕的力量!~ 谢谢你的分享。 我也希望能够尽我小小的力量。。
Thank you for sharing all this useful info/ event!
I will attend the [everything-you-treasure] exhibition to gain more awareness myself : )
Cheers, SiennyLovesDrawing
Loving yourself more is the best thing you can do for yourself. 🙂 thanks for this.
Thank you for reading^^
Hope you can get something when you pay a visit to this exhibition^^
Thanks for reading~~~
oh it's an exhibition.. had to get it translated. Thanks for sharing this piece of info.
Thanks for sharing.
Yeah true, must prevent this world from WAR again, as it can brings a lot of radioactive which can cause harm and lead to genetic changes from generation to generation.
wars are horrible. too much lost and nothing gained.
that aside, the exhibitions at soka gakai are a must visit. they are always so well curated!
Thanks for sharing too. I also had to get this translated lolx… But great info!
Hehe:) Sorry for the inconvenience^^
Thanks for reading^^
War only bring disadvantages but no advantage…
We should stop it before it is too late~~~
so nice of you sharing this info, wanna join the run but need check if can or not.
I forgot to ask you, are you joining the run?
COOL! I'll check the exhibition out when i have the time.
I will join the run~~~
Let me know if you want to join^^
U have visit exhibitions at soka gakai before???
You should pay a visit to here~~~
Sorry for any inconvenience 🙂
Thanks for reading^^
Thanks for reading~~~
Share your tought with me after you visit the exhibition yea~~~
Interesting to such exhibition. I don't really expose to all this. Great can gain knowledge from you too.
Http:// http://www.princesscindyrina.com
谢谢分享!! 和平万岁!
There's nothing one can gain from such wars than pain, sadness and suffering. Thanks for the sharing on the exhibition, at least people can get insights on such things. 🙂
wow I didn't know that there are such exhibitions and runs!! Good that you shared them!
Wow… run for peace… seems like a pretty great event……. thanks for highlighting it so we know it too… hehehe
thanks for the awareness…i did not know there was a run organised against nuclear weapons, it is definitely a very scary weapon!
Love peace, say no to war and fight. Thanks for the info, will stop by the event and have a look 🙂
Thanks for sharing this awareness! Peace!
Love Peace Love Life, Such a meaningful event! Thanks for the sharing and info!
Thanks for reading^^
Thanks for reading!
Remember to share with me after you visit the exhibition^^
Join the run if you can! ^^
Yeah~ agreed with you!
Visit the exhibition to know more about the nuclear weapon ^^