今天写的这一篇文章除了是想和大家分享我千辛万苦找到的美食之外, 也希望这篇文章可以引起抛砖引玉的效果~~~
**所以, 看完这篇文章后, 如果你有什么感想/建议, 希望你们可以在下面留言给我^^
How are you???
I’m not only wanted to share a yummy food that I found to all of you in this post, but I also hope that you all can solve my problem~~~
**so, after finish reading, if you can solve it, please leave a comment below^^ thanks!!!
如果你们都是日本餐的常客, 应该都知道什么是毛豆 (Edamame)吧~~~
也一定尝过它的美味, 对吧~~~
Do you like Japanese food???
If you like it, you sure will be familiar with the Edamame, right???
And you sure have been tried it before~~~
只要我有机会去到日本餐厅, 还有价钱允许的话, 我一定会点这个来解解馋~~~
可是这个的价钱真的有那么一点点贵, 然后分量也还蛮小的。。。
And I fall in love with it at my first try…
If I have the chance to eat japanese food, I’m sure will order it…
but the price is a little high and the portion is a little bit too small…
在Lot 10 Isetan Food Market找到了0.5kg包装的毛豆, 二话不说, 我马上就把它给买下来。。。
可是, 回家煮了之后, 才发现就算是这么大一包, 我还觉得有那么一点点的不过瘾。。。
but, I found one packet of 0.5kg of Edamame at Isetan Food Market @ Lot10…
I bought it and cooked it myself, but one packet is still not enough for me…
自从吃了那一次后, 我真的很想很想再去买过。。。
可是, 我逛了蛮多家的百货公司, 都发现除了Lot 10的Isetan Food Market之外, 好像都没有人在卖呐。。。
After that, I really really want to visit there and buy more and more…
but, I realized that it looks like only can found it at Isetan Food Market @ Lot10…
直到最近我和我朋友去逛街的时候, 才特地走到去那里, 把那里仅剩的两包统统买下。。。
时隔这么久, 这是我第二次把它买下回家煮。。。
But, there is a terrible traffic jam….
The second time I bought it was when I went for shopping with my friend recently…
写到这里, 你该看得出我的目的了吧。。。
如果你们和我一样都喜欢在家吃自己煮的毛豆, 然后你也知道还有什么地方有卖毛豆的话, 你们介意和我分享吗???
拜托, 如果你们真的知道的话, 一定要和我说, ok??? 🙂
Hehe 😀
can you find out what is my problem now???
If you know there is anywhere else except Isetan Food Market @ Lot10 selling this Edamame, can you please let me know???
I really want to know~~~
Thanks in advance ^^
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就是这个啦~~~ 这样一包 : RM9.90~~~ 价钱比在外面吃便宜很多, 而且它的脆度有比外面大部分的还要脆哦~~~ This is it!!! One packet : RM9.90~~~ The price is much more cheaper than outside… |
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