虽然不是全部都到齐, 但至少我们都出来见面了。。。这是一个非常难得的机会。。。
上了大学, 每个人都为了自己的梦想各奔东西的时候, 要像以前那样常见面是非常难的事了。。。
We managed to have a gathering to meet up~~~
Although not everyone present, but at least we hang out finally!!!
After we graduated from the secondary school, we have our own college life and busy with that…. so, we hard to arrange our time for gathering… I think most of you experienced this before, right???
我们临时换了一间餐厅, 而这间餐厅离我家并不远, 而我竟然不知道有它的存在。。。
当我去了这家店后, 我终于知道为什么我对他这么的陌生。。。
食物的味道只是还好而已, 可是那个价钱贵到当我一打开那本菜单看到价钱后, 我竟然没有胃口了。。。就想说叫寿司应该不会很贵吧~~~
怎知道, 翻完了整本菜单竟然找不到寿司~~~ 感觉上好像遇到冒牌的日本餐厅~~~
We changed the venue at the last minute, this restaurant is near my house, but I never heard of it…..
After I visited the restaurant, I knew why I never heard of it~~~
The taste for the food is considered as still ok ok, but the price is so expensive until I did not feel like want to eat anything when I saw the price in the menu~~~
Then, I would like to order some sushi (Maybe sushi is cheaper?? *I think*)~~~
BUT, after I read through the whole menu, I can’t find any sushi from the menu~~~ A Japanese reataurant do not sell any sushi??!! I feel like being cheated~~~
At the end, I still need to order….. I ordered a set meal, a bowl of noodles + half of the egg + a plate of dumpling = RM29.90!!!
Is the price consider as expensive??? or cheap??? for me, it is very expensive!!!
The set meal is nothing special, only the soup is tasty and the egg taste a little bit salty~~~
Here is our group photo!!! 😀
黑色的T shirt 搭配一条白色的短裤~~~
那个短裤不会太长也不会太短,刚刚好~~~ 我好喜欢哦!!!
**我最近发现到一个手机的Apps,这个Apps拿来edit照片蛮漂亮的~~~ 我试了它当中几个的效果,我还蛮满意的~~~ **
Black T shirt with a white short pants~~~
I like the short pants because it makes me feel “Yeng!!!” (Means cool!!!)
**BTW, I found a mobile apps which can edit your pictures~~~ I tried some effects on my photos and I like it very much!!!**
Do you like it???
You are welcome to leave your opinion below~~~ Thanks!!!
嗨,Fish Spa当天是第一个session的