位于Taman Bukit Hijau 的 Coffee Berry是一家开在住宅区旁边的一个Cafe~ 这里的环境很宁静,附近也有满多的泊车位,所以来到这里不必担心会没有停车位~
{Special Nasi Lemak Set Menu}
这是一个套餐,有Nasi Lemak Kari Ayam、有一杯饮料、还有一个甜品~~~ 超大份的,可以两个人一起吃~~~
This is a set menu… It consists of one Nasi Lemak Curry Ayam, one drinks and one dessert~~~ The size of the meal is very big~~~ It is enough for two people to share~~~
{奶油苏东饭} —— 这是我在这家店的最爱之一~~~ 超好吃的~~~ 他家的苏东嫩嫩的,不会咬不断~~~ 还有那个奶油味是超香的!!!
{Creamy Sotong Rice} —- this is one of my favourite dish~~~ It is very Yummy~~~ The sotong is very fresh and nice… The taste is quite good~~~
{鸡扒饭 Chicken Chop Rice} ——不好意思,我没有尝试到~~~ Sorry, I didn’t try it… But it looks good~~~
MeeHun with Curry Chicken, the taste is still ok~~~
这个饮料我不知道它叫什么名,但是我超推荐它的~~~ 酸酸甜甜的~~~ 好喝~~~
I don’t know what is this drinks called, BUT I strongly recommend this to you!!! It is very nice~~~ A little bit of sour plus a little bit of sweet equal to NICE!!!
乍看之下,还以为是Coffee Bean,呵呵!
-.- 😀
been there but havent try any food there before 😛