Food ☆ 美食
【美食】Restoran Murni @ Bukit Jalil (一访)
终于挤出时间来更新我的部落格了~~~ 这个学期只有短短的7个星期,所以所有的东西都在赶。。。 功课、Assignment、活动、开会,统统都在赶。。。 我只好选择暂时把部落格搁在一旁。。。 所以,我这个时期的部落格文章应该都是非常非常的短,而且更新速度应该也是非常非常的慢。。。希望大家可以原谅我一下吧~~~ Finally I found some time to update my blog~~~ This semester is a short semester, that’s mean everything is RUSH!!! Argh!!! Tutorial, presentation, assignment, meeting, activity…… all those is rushing~~~ No choice but I have to sacrifice my blog and do all those things first~~~ And because all those stuff, … [Read more…]
【美食】椰花园海鲜餐馆 Coconut Flower Restaurant @ Teluk Gong

哎哟~~~ 每次到了晚餐时间就非常非常的头痛,不知道要吃什么~~~ 要找一间又好吃又便宜的餐馆,有时候真的很难~~~ 不知道你们是不是和我有同样的感受呢??? Aiyo~~~ Every time when we want to have dinner outside, we feel headache, don’t know what to eat~~~ Want to find a restaurant which the food is delicious and the price is reasonable, sometimes it is very difficult~~~ Do you have the same feeling like me???
【美食】 道 T•A•O• @ Penang Times Square
嗨,大家好!!!你们的年初一过得怎样啊??? 我呢,基本上是还好, 过的蛮顺利,只是到了晚餐时间要决定吃什么的时候就有点头痛啦~~~ 看了好多部落客的推荐, 怎知道好多都没开, 就算有开也不一定有位~~~ 经过我们的投票, 最后由日本自助餐餐厅 — 道 胜出~~~ Hi 🙂 how are you??? How was your first day of Chinese New Year??? Basically my first day of Chinese New Year just like normal~~~ only until when we need to decide what is our dinner…. I looked for many suggestions from the bloggers, … [Read more…]
【美食】 Cosans Coffee @ Subang Jaya
我今年第一个部落客活动就落在我的生日当天(18/1)~~~ 这是不是象征了我今年一整年都有满满的部落格邀约呢???**在幻想当中…………** My first blogger event in 2014 is on my birthday (18/1)~~~ Is this means that my whole year is full of blogger event??? **Dreaming…………** 好啦,废话不多说,马上进入正题~~~ 我被Cosans Coffee 邀请出席他们店的私人聚会~~~ 可以免费品尝他们的咖啡,还可以认识新的部落客~~~ 何乐而不为呢,所以我二话不说,马上点头答应~~~ Ok la…. Let’s us start our topic now~~~ I was invited by Cosans Coffee to attend their private event for blogger~~~ Besides tasting … [Read more…]
【美食】 Artsphere Cafe @ The Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan
还记得我上一个文章关于我在 The Atmosphere 拍照玩得不亦乐乎的吗???点击这里,你就可以看到那篇文章了~~~