马六甲不但是马来西亚其中一个州属, 还是马来西亚超有名的旅游胜地~ 在马六甲除了历史古迹等着我们去探索之外, 当然还有许多美食等着我们去发掘呢~
这次的马六甲一日游, 我们的美食目标只有两个, 一个是大碗公冰城, 另一个则是Nadeje千层蛋糕~ 这两个可以说是来马六甲必吃的美食之一呢~
1。大碗公冰城 Big Bowl The City of Ice
这是我第二次来光顾这一家冰店了,还记得上一次来的时候是因为想去吃Satay Celup,可是因为排长龙,所以就先去这家冰店吃冰消暑消暑一下~ 怎知道我就这样对它一见钟情了~ 至今对它都念念不忘~
而这次再次去到这家店时,门口已经大排长龙了,这个情景真的让我吓了一跳,因为和我上一次和它相遇的情景完全不一样~ 可见美食的诱惑每个人都无法抵挡~~~
While we were waiting for our snow ice, the 30X Big Bowl Special was served to the table next to us, everyone was curious about it and of cause it is photo time~~~ |
The Big Bowl Special (30X)
**According to my observation, I would like to give an advice to those who want to try it, please make sure you can finish it when you order it because I saw most of them didn’t finish their ice at the end, it is a waste~~~ |
红豆牛奶绵绵冰 Milk Snow Ice with Red Beans
Their snow ice is really smooth, the milk taste is nice and the red beans are fresh~~~ Nice!!! |
水果抹茶绵绵冰 Green Tea Snow Ice with Fruits
他们家的水果都是非常新鲜,都是顾客下单后,他们才开始准备的。。。所以顾客吃到的水果全部都是刚切好的~~~ 也因为这样的服务,所以他们上冰品的速度有点慢~~~ 抹茶的味道也很浓烈~~~
Their fruits are prepared after the customers placed their orders, that’s why the customer can always enjoy the fresh fruits and because of this you need to wait for a longer time~~~ The green tea snow ice is nice too!!! |
麦片花生绵绵冰 Peanut Snow Ice with Peanuts and Crispy Grains
我超喜欢他们家这个花生冰,花生的味道很浓,搭配着花生和脆脆的麦片一起吃~~~ 简直就是享受嘛~~~
I super duper like this Peanut Snow Ice, eat it with the peanut and the crispy grains~~~ It is really enjoy~~~ |
水果焦糖绵绵冰 Caramel Snow Ice with Fruits
我很喜欢他们这里的焦糖绵绵冰,因为那个焦糖的味道很香~~~ 就算吃得再饱,来一碗这个焦糖绵绵冰我一样可以把它吃完~~~ 这个冰也是我最怀念的~~~
I love their caramel snow ice because the caramel snow ice is so tasty~~~ Even I’m full, but I still can finish the whole caramel snow ice!!! I miss it so much!!! |
香蕉巧克力绵绵冰 Chocolate Snow Ice with Banana
这是我们临走前打包一路吃的,因为我觉得这是我最后一次来这家冰点了~~~ 因为我喜欢吃美食,可是我不喜欢排队~~~
幸好最后我有吃到这一个巧克力绵绵冰,不然我觉得我会后悔一辈子~~~ 他们家的巧克力很浓郁,配上那个香蕉,简直就是幸福的味道嘛~~~
This is the snow ice that we take away before we leave, because I think this is the last tine I enjoy their snow ice already~~~ Because although I like to eat all delicious food but I don’t like to queue up~~~
Luckily I tried this before I left, if not, I think I will regret for it during my whole life~~~ Their chocolate taste is so rich and eat it with the banana, this is the taste of happiness~~~ |
Before we left, we observed the process of preparing this Big Bowl Special (30X), the amounts of the ice cream was surprised us~~~
Can you count how many of it??? |
大碗公冰城 Big Bowl The City of Ice
Address:11, Jalan Kota Laksamana 1/2, Taman Kota Laksamana.
Telephone No.: 06-281 6796
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BigBowlTheCityOfIce
_meitu_4.jpg) |
因为店里人满为患,我们只好打包到那间商场的Food Court去吃~~~
Because of too many people, we only can take away our cake and eat it at the food court~~~ |
绿茶口味 Green Tea
I found out the reason behind when I first tried…
The cake “melts” right after you put inside your mouth and the taste of green is so rich~~~ Yummy!!! |
芝士口味 Cheese
It is like you are having a cheese not a cheese millecrepe~~~ The taste is so cheesy~~~
If you like to eat cheese, you can’t refuse to eat the whole piece~~~ |
原味 Original
It has a strong caramel taste, and I really can’t stand for it~~~
I can’t stop eating until I finish the whole piece~~~~ |
Nadeje Mahkota Parade
Address: G-23B, EG 4 & EG 5, Ground Floor, Mahkota Parade, 75000 Melaka.
Telephone No : 06-2843469
Operation Hours: Daily : 11:00am – 10:00pm
wowwwww! that big bowl of ice! how much is it?
不是。。。只是有时会去马六甲玩而已 ^^
Hehe… I can't remember what is the price already >< or maybe you can check for it on their fb page???