马六甲是马来西亚著名旅游胜地之一, 通常, 人们来到马六甲除了和古迹拍照, 了解历史之外, 就是来马六甲寻找美食的啦~ 只要上网搜寻马六甲美食, 就会看到很多类似 “马六甲10大必吃美食” 等等的文章~ 当然我也有属于我自己马六甲必吃的美食名单啦~ 而今天想和大家分享的是其中一个, 也是我自己本身最爱的美食 — 大碗公冰城 Big Bowl The City of Ice!
大碗公冰城 Big Bowl The City of Ice
这一次已经不是我第一次介绍这家店了, 自从我第一次吃过他们家的冰之后, 我就爱上他们了~
每一次来到马六甲, 只要有机会的话, 我就一定会去这家店朝圣下。而且每一次来这里, 我都会叫不一样的口味, 一直到现在我还没有把他们所有口味的绵绵冰吃完, 由此可见, 他们冰品的种类多么多的选择啦~ 大部分的绵绵冰都给了我很大的惊喜, 我很喜欢~
他们在今年年中的时候就已经搬家到 Jalan Laksamana,也就是离Jonker Street 几条街的距离而已~ 来到一条大街上就会看到一整排的商店,而这家店非常好认,只要认得那个蓝色的招牌呢~
这次来马六甲的行程有点赶,还以为这次的马六甲之行会没有机会来到这里吃他们的冰了呢~ 结果,最后我们趁还有一点时间的时候,特地兜回来这里吃了一碗冰后,才继续上路~
这次来到这里, 我们叫了一碗他们新的招牌 — 《芒果榴莲绵绵冰 + 芒果口味的雪糕》~ 这一款绵绵冰并没有让我们失望~ 让我在第一口品尝的时候就爱上它了~
芒果榴莲绵绵冰 + 芒果口味的雪糕
吃了一口他们的芒果,熟透的芒果在嘴巴里面散发着它独有的芒果香味~ 吃了芒果, 再吃一口他们的榴莲绵绵冰, 一放进嘴巴, 浓浓的榴莲香味充斥在嘴巴里~ 同时把芒果和榴莲口味绵绵冰放进嘴巴, 出奇的是, 他们两个竟然搭配的刚刚好, 不但不会抢了对方的风头, 还会把对方的味道提升起来呢~ 那个雪糕也不错, 浓浓的芒果味绝对不会输给那些新鲜的芒果哦~
◇ 2018 再次回访 ◇
时隔多年, 趁着假期回家特地转进来吃这个好久没吃的雪花冰~ 进来看了看他们家的菜单, 顿时被他们的价钱吓了一下, 涨了不少, 已经和吉隆坡的价钱相差无几了~
但是, 反正都来到了, 不如就点两碗冰来尝尝和当年的味道有什么分别呗~
Matcha Snow Ice with Taro (RM12.40)
他们家的绵绵冰还是和以往一样, 绵绵的, 入口即化; 那个芋头则是绵绵的口感~
Milk Snow Ice with Mango + Mango Ice Cream (RM13.20)
他们家的芒果依然给得毫不手软~ 好吃!
Address:11, Jalan Kota Laksamana 1/2, Taman Kota Laksamana.
Telephone No.: 06-281 6796
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BigBowlTheCityOfIce
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Wouldnt mind trying the big bowl of ice 😀
This is what I need right now, with the heat outside! I am taking down this address into my little diary of goodies.
durian and mango is a good combination. one more in my melaka’s to-eat list!!
yummy! will pay a visit to them once i visit to there. 😛
I have not try this yet, maybe will do it on my next trip to melaka.
Wah! Good choice for a sunny day.
What’s the price?
Looks really good. Will try looking for it the next time I’m there
waaa I love Mango! The slice was quite big too >< Gonna visit this place when I visit Melaka =D
This would definitely be heaven sent on a hot sweltering day… you walk in from all those sight seeing in the sun then …… a lovely big bowl of this awaits you…. heaven!!!
Heard a lot of reviews via social media channel. Hopefully can try it someday. =D
i love desserts of any kind, this would be nice to eat on a hot day.
I love mango desserts, too bad this place is abit far from where I stay >.<
Look attractive the dessert. If can have more pictures will be nice as I cann’t read Chinese
wow! Ice cream. Much love for icy things. haha.I wonder what would the taste be to combine the durian and mango. hehe
wow! they have new dessert choices ya 🙂 so good! It’s a good place to stop by after a hot walk at Jonker street!
cheers, siennylovesdrawing
looks nice, i’ve always loved iced dessert.. yum
I love ice cold desserts. This is one I must try!