看到标题, 我相信你们都知道接下来我要说些什么了, 对吧???
适耕庄成熟的稻米, 你们有去看了吗???
I bet that you all know what is this post about from the title of this blog post, right???
Have you enjoy the view of Sekinchan paddy field???
I was so unlucky… I missed the right time to enjoy it T.T
Now I only can wait for next round~~~
延伸阅读 >>> 适耕庄金黄稻米田 Sekinchan Paddy Field
那为什么没有无敌的”稻”景, 我依然还要去适耕庄呢???
这次再去是因为我对那个路途中的新鲜海鲜念念不忘, 还有就是上次拍照拍到好像自己是模特儿那样, 没拍完不肯回家的那一片海滩。。。
Then why I was there without the amazing view???
Of cause there is not only paddy field in Sekinchan but also other breathtaking views~~~
I went there because I miss the fresh seafood which we bought on the way to Sekinchan and also the the beach that I took photo like nobody business ~~~
那这次再一次去到适耕庄, 我完全没有那种旅客的心情, 有的只是期待买到更多海鲜和让自己从生活的忙碌中偷闲下的心情~~~
我享受这样的心情~~~ 我认为旅行就是要有这样的心情, 要不然你会错过一些你意想不到的东西~~~
This time, I wasn’t travel to there as a tourist, it just simply a citizen who want to buy some fresh seafood and escape from the busy life and relax for a while~~~
I enjoy this type of travel because you can discover something you never think of it…
心境的不一样, 你看的东西也不一样。。。
少了排队等待拍照的时间, 多了和家人相处的时间。。。
眼光也不只是锁定那些必拍的景点, 也开始欣赏那大自然海连天的景色~~~
Spend less time on queuing up for your turn to take photos but more time with family~~~
we just sat at there and enjoyed the view and wondering how wonderful is the nature~~~
再忙的生活, 再累的人生, 也要记得抽空和大自然相处下 ^^
Not matter how busy or how tired you are, remember to spend time with nature, you will be more refreshing ^^
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